Monday, October 25, 2010

Here is a small model that I'm working on as a larger collaboration for the new dominance war, just the base WIP right now.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Poly Reduction

So last little while I have been doing some low poly work for an independant game company, Man Its hard to work on a model for less than a thousand tri's. I originally had this model up around 1100 or so but I managed to knock it back to about 700 tri's. I have to rework the textures since the reduction and I still want to take it into Zbrush.
I just wonder where am I going to get the time to get everything done that I want to. Any how here it is.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cintiq Fever

So the last post mentioned me working towards a Cintiq, well......Hellz ya! Even though the wife was none to thrilled about getting one I managed to convince her, of course I'm also not allowed to make any purchases for the next ten years. If you ask me its worth it.

Now here are a few gaming pieces that I have come up with for a Mod of a particular Boardgame that I truly enjoy. Oh yea and I have been bidding on getting some freelance work to offset my up and coming addition to the family, here's hoping. Also once I get more illustrations done I will be posting them here.

Hope you like em.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Its off to work I go.

Well the title isn't completely true, I have actually been at my new job for about 3 weeks now. Its good stuff and I quite enjoy it here. For those who don't know where here is, its Sohovfx in Toronto. I'm doing much the same as my last place of employ and I do enjoy it.
So here's the thing, with all day doing 3D stuff I have of late (actually the last month or two) been hankering to get more 2d stuff underway. It seems that i always migrate back to my roots. I'm currently doing some small side stuff for a friend and trying to land more work for myself that will pay some coin...Y you ask, well as it is I'm working to get my hands on a cintiq...the wife doesn't think its important but as most people know, if your not in the industry you just don't understand.
Anyways I hope to have some stuff to post (provided my buddy is cool with it) of at least some development sketches. I'm also itching to get my own creation back under way. Its called ToTem. I can't recall if I have ever posted about it but I have had this story in me that wants to come out, I pitched it years ago at another company and we did some concepting and story fleshing but it seems to have died off on their end, so I feel its up to me to get the ball rolling with it again.
Well as per usual, I hope to have some stuff to post soon. Till then.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

DA Comrade

Been busy as heel at work and there is very little time left for my own stuff. I did manage however to get thtese two images done for a possible illustration gig for board game art. Man that would be cool to get it. I hope my perspective client likes them, well here they are, enjoy.