Well Monday August 4th saw the arrival of my first son Erik Joseph Isherwood. Wow what an experience, I can say there truly is nothing like it on earth to see your baby boy brought into this world. My wife was an incredible trooper and did wonderfully through the whole process, she made me very proud. I'm so fatigued right now as we, with the help of family and friends, fuddle our way through the first few days of life with Erik.
I have however gotten back to doing more personal stuff for later demoreel additions, here we have the Boba Fett I started I think more than a year ago, anyways I have been back at it and I still have a way to go but I started unwrapping a bit of him. There still needs some modeling work done and then probably take some of it into zbrush which I have started to teach myself. Anyways hre are a few pics of him to date.

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