Friday, August 22, 2008

Upwards and Onwards

Well its been a few weeks now and little baby Erik is doing well. It took a bit of time for me to actually be able to get some manner of work done. Man I tell ya, no one can really prep you for parenthood, its really tough, well these past few sleepless weeks have been. They are however getting better. I'm also doing another animation for the green monkey (see post below) Its coming along and I should have it done in a few days. I have also been unwrapping The Fett model and its close to being completely unwrapped. I'm sure I don't need to go to the extent that I have, but its my one (of many no doubt) failing, I tend to go into extreme detail in every aspect to try to get out the best product. Anyhow I also have a few 2D images I'm going to post once I finish them. Hopefully soon. Till then.


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